Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 12: the 1st group study

alright so i just came back from the study group consisting of 10 people, namely:
C A Koh

it was great definitely. had an idea where some of us are at with this internet marketing journey. and got pointers too. like how to upload a webpage or a landing page. cause i kinda have forgotten how to do that. well i just need to remember that 1 page requires 1 folder for it to work. so i actually already have a proper landing page (not the blogspot), so all i need to do next is just uploading it. so that's that for now.

and on another note, my conversation with maya and hakeem kinda got me thinking am i making a mistake by having high priced item for ppc campaigns, and to make it worse, i have quite a few running at the same time? am i making too much of a loss because of the increasing clicks but no sale yet? i wonder if there are others who are doing what i'm doing, because what maya is doing is picking a low cost item and testing out if her campaigns are working. that way, even though if there is no sale, the total cost that she might need to pay for the clicks is still not so high. unlike mine. i know now i did jumped straight into selling a few high-priced items. wonder if that was a mistake.

hmmz i wonder i wonder.

okay thats all folks! stay tuned!!!

ps: to those i know, thanks for reading my posts!!


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