Friday, June 20, 2008

it's Day 8!!!

man i'm starting to lose track how many days has it been already. taking 13th june to be Day 1, and today being the 20th, so today is Day 8. i'm officially entering into Week 2. and damn i'm still not sure if i've made the first sale. but well there has been progress nevertheless. maybe not big, but it's still progress.

1) i've managed to get email replies from all the people i emailed to.
2) i've got more clicks now. (hell yeah!)
3) i can access the googlegroup for discussions
4) there will be a meet-up this tuesday(that's just marvelous!)

The following is extracted from an email i should out to some of my IMB friends:

"on another note, my ppc so far is getting better in a sense they're receiving clicks but my concern now is whether i'm going overbudget or not because if let's say an item is costing only a mere USD100+, wouldnt the budget for Max CPC be 0.04 if i'm looking at 100 clicks to achieve one buy?"

"i'm actually already going over the marketing budget because the commision i would receive for this item is only a mere USD4.00+.but surely i can't bring the Max CPC to 0.04 right?? lol do you guys get what i mean or have i already lost you guys? lol... anyway i have other campaigns promoting other items running at the same time but they don't concern me so badly because their clicks come in much slower so im not overbudget yet for them."

so yeap that's where i am now. i'll be meeting maya shortly after this. i have just signed up for a account by the ways. it's at;jsessionid=61A5259CC43F70826FDF78DDB0BCBE36

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