Saturday, June 14, 2008

This was Day 2

Apparently it is not allowed to blog about the boot camp as how we found out today. because of copyright issues, that's why we had paid for it. i actually already kinda expected this. but surely it's still safe to blog as long as not too much information is leaked or the actual knitty-gritty stuffs is posted here. otherwise it'd be free lessons online. well i'm still gonna carry on blogging with this. it's gonna be my journal to keep track of my progress.

well today i learned the following stuffs:
1) PPC
2) Understanding AdWords matching concepts
3) Creating and managing an Adwords account
4) The formula for calculating marketing budget
5) Creating an effective Landing Page that will be fully optimised
6) Understanding SEO

i'm still unsure of how exactly to venture into SEO. i mean i understood the concept explained. but it's still a blur to me as to how to get the linkings of webpages perfectly connected so as to be in the higher rankings of the search engine result.

well the good thing i felt about today was PPC and Adwords account. It is totally highly possible and i am soOO excited to start on it. and learning to create an effective Landing Page was also really something. I'm just so excited thinking about these.

hmmz wonder if i had infringed anything on this blog so far. really not my intention. well let me know if you think i had.

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