well yesterday night just had another weekly meeting with KA$H. just the common update of sghawkerfood.com and sggemstonejewellery.com. Hakeem had been quite bothered with the appearance of sghawkerfood.com especially after he had seen soshiok.com that Koh had come across. So he had asked us for feedback and what can be improved. That we did, but myself and Koh said to him we are not so bothered by the design and outlook of it. It is more of the content and marketing for it that we are currently lacking heavily and that's what Koh and I are more concerned about. Yesterday's meeting Alan wasn't around.
If you are new here, and have no idea about KA$H. Here's a brief explanation of what we do. We are a company that provide online marketing for business owners or anyone at all. We can promote and enhance the popularity and demand for any service or products of any business. We also provide hosting services for your websites. Currently we have four projects running. We consists of 5 motivated individuals.
So back to yesterday night's meeting, Hakeem and Koh provided me with the assistance i need in creating a form for the website. sggemstone require some write-ups or articles for it. Since I had got no time to that, i had decided that we sould be hiring a writer. And that is what we have no. During the week that just passed, Hakeem got a writer to help me with the write-ups for gemstonese website.
In case you have not known yet, myself and Koh we're doing on sggemstonejewellery.com, Koh and Allan doing on the Ka$h Hosting website.
last saturday meeting/sharing. Here's what Hakeem wrote in his blog:
"We continue to have a short discussion till 1.30pm and then made our way to Mc Cafe and continue my lesson there. My presentation manage to get everyone to focus on the lesson rather than the surrounding. Pheeeew....It went smoothly.."
Here's some pictures of that sharing session:

last saturday too we opened a joint account with me, hakeem and koh, and the debit card will be ready in 2 weeks time. this joint account will be used for paypal, ppc and more.
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