Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 13: Earnings keep coming

LOL! it's not big. but it's definitely coming in! like i've mentioned before, amazon will probably be paying me for the items that have been ordered once after it's shipped. and sure enough that's exactly what happened!

haha so i've decided that whatever i wrote up in the previous post and whatever was my concern or worry, to hell with it! haha 'cos i'm sticking to what i'm doing. only adjustments that i'll be doing is the daily budget. because what i understand is that the daily budget does not affect the ad position, it only affects the number of impressions and hence the number of clicks per day. but because i am concerned with my ad positions and my budget, i think that is just the solution for me.

and on another note, i have decided, i'll be open with how much money i'm making and how much loss i'm making. this way, others can learn from my mistakes too. this blog is not just about 100% positive things that happened in this journey of mine. surely there are ups and downs in business. and because this is my journal, this is where i'll pen down my earnings and losses for myself and others to see.

so up to date:
  • course fee: SGD $2.5k
  • charges for domains : USD $20
  • total charges for PPC ads: USD $102.28
  • total earnings: USD $5.89

gawsh can you believe my total chargers for PPC ad campaigns?? LOL. i know it's pretty discouraging for some. but heck. i'm gonna keep on going! i just need to do my current earnings for just another 20 more times lol....

stay tuned guys! thanks for you encouragement!


Good Daddy said...

Hi Salman,
congratulation on your continueos new income. Feel really good for you.
You PPC spent seems quite high. You must have a lot of hit rates. How much Max per PPC you normally allocate ? Do you also use the "negative" keyword to avoid listed on non relevent seaches?
Robert GAN

Salman said...

my max CPC differs for different items and at different times. the thing is normally when i'm just starting, i'd probably set the max CPC either in 1 of these categories
1)around 0.40+ or 0.50+
2)based on the marketing budget eg, 0.40 for an item priced at $1000 if you're looking at 100 clicks for 1 sale
3)aggresiveness, whereby i really place a really high maxCPC

but lately what i've been doing is category no.3 because to my understanding maxCPC affects the ad position. it's only after i start receiving a steady flow of clicks and the ad position is not bad would i then lower down my maxCPC or my daily budget.

regarding negative keywords, i definitely use them. i used to enter negative keywords in the adgroup level, but now what i'm doing is all the negative words is placed in the campaign settings. since 1 item is 1 campaign. i'm not exactly sure how much of a difference this makes but i don't put my negative keywords in the adgroup level because they already have a setting to place negative keywords only in the campaign level so i thought that probably must be a reason.

does my explanation helps? or is it confusing? lol... but just hit me back aight?

and hey, thanks for your compliments and the questions.